Welcome to our little Phoenix Academy!

We are very happy, and we are even happier if we have been able to help you. Feel free to send us feedback via our social media accounts or by email.

This gives us the opportunity to keep working on the Phoenix Academy.

Our goal is to revive a long-forgotten community experience. For this to work, our young Phoenixes in particular need to be able to quickly recognize the dangers in the Wild West so that they can always move around safely.

And as more and more fresh and young Phoenixes enter the crypto market, we want to provide you with as much information from our last decade as we can, without any compensation.

Current learning contributions


We would still be thrilled if you could leave us a value-for-value contribution in the pre-sale. This way, 90% will go to the emerging community, and 10% will go to us. This helps us maintain the “back office.” And of course, you will automatically become part of a great movement!

We move from topic to topic and repeatedly find that certain things are also interesting for new Phoenixes. Therefore, we will continuously expand the Phoenix Academy. Additionally, it is important to us to make the experience as simple as possible for you. For this reason, the Phoenix Academy will be available in multiple languages. We will first focus on the community members and start with the most frequented countries on our social media channels.

Is your language missing, or would you like support with a topic and want us to implement it in the Academy? Let us know!


The Phoenix Academy thrives mainly through your participation. Do you find an article unclear or have comments? Especially constructive feedback is very welcome. Only in this way can we rise stronger from the burned ashes!

Upcoming topics: BubbleMap, Rugcheck, HotWallet vs. ColdWallet, “What is cryptocurrency,” “Why do we need cryptocurrency,” and much more.

Now, have fun soaking up the knowledge!

Your $PHNX team 😊